Do I Need Ballistic Armor?
Who needs ballistic armor? Not you, of course ... until you do.

Whether you’re a first responder on the front line of public service or a private bodyguard protecting the rich and famous, facing a bullet is a very real possibility with over eighty percent of active-shooter incidents happening on the job. So, should bulletproof protection be part of your arsenal? Keep reading for the facts.

Police and Sheriffs

Consider those in body-amor, and the first professionals we think of are Sheriffs and Police Officers. But with one of the highest rates of injury attributable to any career and fifty-six percent of those involving an attack by an individual assailant, there’s a compelling reason for their choice of protection.

Quite simply, no Officer can protect and serve unless they first protect themselves. And whilst ballistic protection is the obvious first choice of defence against gun violence, law enforcement personnel should also give serious consideration to protection from edged weaponry such as knives and other bladed instruments.

EMTs and Firefighters

Emergency Medical Personnel are no strangers to violent incidents themselves, with stab and gunshot injuries becoming all too commonplace.

Though less likely to be targeted than those in law enforcement, medical personnel can also face attacks when called out to give urgent care, making it crucial to choose the right protective equipment.

For the EMT on today’s front line, heavy and bulky body armour can be both cumbersome and restrictive, whilst so called “soft armour” provides exemplary protection against handguns and lower-grade ballistics. Soft armour also boasts flexibility and manoeuvrability, essential for successful role performance in the field.


Bodyguarding. It’s one of the oldest careers in the world, yet also one of the most dangerous.

Once the preserve of great kings and leaders, Bodyguards are now in higher demand than ever, with everyone from Hollywood celebrities to private high-wealth individuals keen to protect themselves and their loved ones from threat and harm. Yet whilst more and more are turning to the private protection industry for a career that’s both lucrative and adventurous, it should be obvious that the payoff comes by way of a work routine which sees the bodyguard thrust continually into harm’s way.

Ballistic protection is an obvious consideration for those engaged in private protection, who’ll understand only too well that the first step in successfully protecting others is the successful protection of themselves.


What About Civilians?

Civilians are far less likely to take a bullet than someone in the public eye or on the line of duty, and simply going about their business should give the man in the street no need to assume they’ll become a target. However, whether they live or work in a jurisdiction with notably high gun violence or choose to volunteer in a dangerous neighborhood, civilians in high-risk situations would be ill-advised to not consider ballistic protection solutions

Ballistic Armor: The Protection You Need

Whether you’re one of our faithful public servants looking to feel safer on the front line, a private bodyguard trying to minimize the risks or simply a civilian who wants to feel a little safer, the right time to think about ballistic armor is always before you need it.

With a huge choice available, contact us today to find out more.

BlueRidge Armor shields are the most advanced ballistic protective shields on the market and made in the USA. Never settle for less.
What are the different types of body armor, and which is right for you? We explain the answers here along with expert body armor buying tips.
From spider silk to snakeskin, we keep hearing about the next big thing in body armor… then never hear about it again. Dragon Skin armor was different, holding up in testing and even being purchased by law enforcement. So why aren’t you wearing it?

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