Frequently Asked
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General FAQs

Q1: How long has BlueRidge Armor been in business?

Q2: Where are BlueRidge Armor Shields manufactured?

Q3: Does BlueRidge Armor offer training?

Q4: Can I customize my shield shape?

Q5: I see a lot of shields on the market that do not use bolts around the viewport. Why does BlueRidge Armor utilize bolts for viewports when others do not?


Terminology FAQs

Q6: What does Platform mean?

Q7: What is an upper and lower?

Q8: What is COREBOND?

Q9: What is the difference between a shield and a bunker?

Q10: What threat levels are BlueRidge Armor shields available in?

Q11: Does BlueRidge Armor offer a level IV Shield?

Q12: Will a level IIIA handgun shield protect against Knives and Rifle fire?

Purchasing FAQs

Q13: I am a civilian, can I buy BlueRidge Armor products?

Q14: Can I buy BlueRidge Armor products through a distributor?

Q15: Can I customize my shield with my own identification?

Q16: What standard sizes do shields come in?

Q17: Do all shields come with lights?

Q18: What is the typical delivery after I place my order?

Q19: What are the standard colors for shields?

Q20: Can I order and buy a WMX4 US Marshal specification shield?

Product Care FAQs

Q21: Have seen some shields that re-shape, soften or melt when laid out in the sun. Do BlueRidge Armor shields reshape if left out in the sun?


Q1: How long has BlueRidge Armor been in business?

A: BlueRidge Armor was founded in 2015.

Q2: Where are BlueRidge Armor Shields manufactured?

A: United States of America – North Carolina

Q3: Does BlueRidge Armor offer training?

A: Yes, we have a standard list of training programs including but not limited to shield training.

Q4: Can I customize my shield shape?

A: No, BlueRidge Armor offers several standardized shapes to address the many needs of Law Enforcement deployment.


Q5: I see a lot of shields on the market that do not use bolts around the viewport. Why does BlueRidge Armor utilize bolts for viewports when others do not?

A: Shields without bolted viewports are subject to adhesive thermal bond failure that can cause a viewport to unexpectedly “POP” off or separate from the shield. Causes of viewport separation could be exposure to high and low temperature cycling when left in patrol cars and other outdoor environments and worst yet a ballistic impact event. BlueRidge Armor through bolts and chemically bonds our viewports with reinforced materials to combat viewport separation.


Q6: What does Platform mean?

A: Platform refers to the overall shape of the shield. GDS, PDS, WMX1, WMX2, WMX3, WMX4 and WMX6 are all currently standard shield options for shape. Additional platforms may be added as customer feedback is developed.———————————————————————

Q7: What is an upper and lower?

A: The upper is where the viewport is placed in the shield. The lower is the bottom section of the shield and is typically tapered or squared off depending on platform selected. The lower is also where High Visibility COREBOND Positive ID is placed.

Q8: What is COREBOND?

A: COREBOND is a proprietary process that permanently bonds High Visibility Positive ID to the surface of the shield. Typical COREBOND ID is POLICE, SHERIFF, SWAT, US MARSHAL and SECURITY. Standard colors for COREBOND ID are Black, White, Yellow/Gold and Silver Reflective.

Q9: What is the difference between a shield and a bunker?

A: Shields and Bunkers are the same thing. Basically, both are ballistic barriers of varying size and weight one gets behind to protect themselves from projectiles and other thrown or launched objects.

Q10: What threat levels are BlueRidge Armor shields available in?

A: Threat level IIIA Handgun and Level III Rifle protection.

Q11: Does BlueRidge Armor offer a level IV Shield?

A: Yes, on a customized basis. Level IV shields are typically extremely heavy and require additional support equipment such as carts, dollies or other wheeled equipment needed to mobilize the level IV unit.

Q12: Will a level IIIA handgun shield protect against Knives and Rifle fire?

A: Our level IIIA handgun shields are rated for protection against handguns, knives, fragmentation and other special threats as listed on our labeling or sales literature. No IIIA armor is not rated to stop rifle fire.

Q13: I am a civilian, can I buy BlueRidge Armor products?

A: Yes, as long as you are not in a restricted state, however certain products are restricted to law enforcement only. In that case the product will be shown with an LEO Only badge.

Q14: Can I buy BlueRidge Armor products through a distributor?

A: Yes, we sell through select authorized dealers as well as directly on our website. Contact us via email at for a list of authorized dealers in your area.

Q15: Can I customize my shield with my own identification?

A: Yes, at time of order, select and specify your desired COREBOND ID or lettering. You can
even send us your own full color artwork such as a logo. Just select the “YOUR LOGO” option in the IDENTIFICATION options dropdown.

Q16: What standard sizes do shields come in?

A: Standard size options are 18×30, 20×34, 24×36, 24×42 and 24×48. Additional sizes and shapes are available for quote on special “Build to Spec” request only. Contact us at for quote on “Build to Spec” products.

Q17: Do all shields come with lights?

A: No, all shields start with our base WEB handle in the case of a shield ordered without a viewport. A viewport automatically adds our standard rigid carbon fiber handle. Customers can add their choice of handles with integrated lighting options.

Q18: What is the typical delivery after I place my order?

A: 4-6 weeks is the standard estimated ship time for fully customized product. Standard stocking products typically ship within 48 hours after receipt of order.

Q19: What are the standard colors for shields?

A: IIIA Handgun Shields are available in Black, Ranger Green, Coyote, Multi-Cam and Multi- Cam Black. Rifle shields are available only in Black.

Q20: Can I order and buy a WMX4 US Marshal specification shield?

A: Yes, verified law enforcement agencies and individual officers can buy the WMX4 with vetted and approved active Law Enforcement ID.

Q21: Have seen some shields that re-shape, soften or melt when laid out in the sun. Do BlueRidge Armor shields reshape if left out in the sun?

A: No. BlueRidge Armor shields are resistant to thermal re-shaping with our proprietary blend of ballistic materials that do not reshape or melt when laid out in the sun.  It should be noted that ballistic protective equipment should not be stored in direct sunlight or prolonged exposure to environmental elements.  Contact us at and/or reference our warranty and rational replacement policies for further information.

BlueRidge Armor shields are the most advanced ballistic protective shields on the market and made in the USA. Never settle for less.
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