Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce id velit magna. Nulla facilisi. Sed ultricies velit nisi, ac efficitur ipsum sagittis eget. Nullam quis felis ac odio volutpat auctor. Maecenas scelerisque sapien sit amet rhoncus rutrum.

1.  Mobile Armor Deployment  (MAD) –

(Previously Basic Shield) – 8 hrs / 1 Day

2.  Intermediate Mobile Armor Deployment (I-MAD) –

16hrs / 2 Days – Prerequisite MAD 

3.  Dynamic Mobile Armor Deployment (D-MAD) –

24 hrs / 3 Days – Prerequisite I-MAD

4.  High Risk Vehicle Take Down (HRVTD)-

24 hrs / 3 days – Team based minimum of 6 students – Team Based – Unarmored Vehicles

5.  Advanced Assault and Movement utilizing Mobile Armor (AAMMA) –

24 hrs / 3 days 

6.  Chaos – Tactical Human Performance Based Micro Drill based Training

24hrs / 3 or 5 days – Civilian and LE/MI Versions

7.  Comprehensive Tactical Operations – CTO – (Based off of the USMS’ High Risk Fugitive Apprehension Training Course)

5 days

8.  Defensive Gunfighting with and without Armor –

8 / 16 /24 hrs 

9.  Tracking Human Trafficking (THT) –

1 Day / 8 hrs – LE/MI

10.  Money Laundering Investigations (MLI) –

1 Day / 8 hrs – LE/MI

11.  Active Shooter / Active Threat (ASAT) –

5 Days / 40 hrs – LE/MI

12.  Defensive Armor Deployment (DAD) –

1 Day / 8 hrs – Civilian

13.  Critical Incident Survivability and Preparation –

1 Day / 8 hrs – (Open)

BlueRidge Armor shields are the most advanced ballistic protective shields on the market and made in the USA. Never settle for less.
What are the different types of body armor, and which is right for you? We explain the answers here along with expert body armor buying tips.
From spider silk to snakeskin, we keep hearing about the next big thing in body armor… then never hear about it again. Dragon Skin armor was different, holding up in testing and even being purchased by law enforcement. So why aren’t you wearing it?

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